Monday, 12 January 2015

Chemicals in sunscreen could cause infertility

Chemicals found in some sunscreens, shampoos and moisturizers that can lead to infertility in men, according to a new study.
The preliminary study by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of State of New York Health Wadsworth Center about 29 chemicals that can be used in a class called type UV filter benzophenone cause delays in fertility in men.

"Some of these chemicals after absorbed by the skin, the body's hormones and endocrine disturbing process," a release by the NIH said. "The researchers found that men with high UV filter BP 2 or 4 OH-BP had a reduction of 30 percent of fertility, biological capacity to reproduce. Low fertility can take more time to have a result of pregnancy. "

The study was published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. The researchers say that other studies conducted would need to confirm their preliminary results.

"In our study, male fertility seems to be more sensitive to these chemicals that female fertility. Participants made more exposure to UV filter as a whole, but their engagement was associated with no significant delays pregnancy, "said Germaine Louis, Ph.D., Director of Health Intramural Research Division . population to Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development "Our next step is to understand how certain chemicals that can be both fertility or time to affect pregnancy -. Either by reducing the quality of the semen or the inhibition of the reproduction of an otherwise "

But do not immediately take the sunscreen bottles. Just called this summer, the US Surgeon General Cancer Boris D. Lushniak skin a "major public health problem," melanoma incidents has tripled in the last 30 years.

"The skin is the largest organ of the body, and how we care for our skin issues in more ways than one," said Louis. "Sunscreen is important for sun protection and encourage in all people to continue to avoid using sunscreen for skin cancer but could the people who are concerned about fertility at other ways to reduce their exposure to benzophenone UV filter. - That contained by the degradation of other products that the UV filter or by washing after back inside. "

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Chemicals in sunscreen could cause infertility
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