Monday, 12 January 2015

CDC: Contact lenses to blame for a million eye infections each year

According to a new report from the CDC, nearly one million Americans visited a doctor for an eye infection in 2010. Some 58,000 went to the emergency room. Almost all wear contact lenses - but not everything.
The lens wearers actually know most of you do not wear glasses to bed or leave them too long without cleaning solution or exchange against another pair. But common sense is systematically ignored, so keratitis.

Keratitis is inflammation of the outer layer of the eye, the cornea, and it may be a bacterial, fungal or viral induced.

"People who wear contact lenses are the night for more than 20 times more likely keratitis," Jennifer Cope, epidemiologist and researchers from CDC, the Washington Post. "The contact port and do not take care of them is the greatest risk factor for keratitis. "

For the 930,000 Americans who visited their doctor's office for microbial keratitis in 2010 - for the million or so who made similar visits every year since and - suffered serious consequences. The problem can be easily treated by doctors if caught early enough. But unattended and keratitis can cause serious health problems and even blindness.

The CDC report suggests improper use of contact lenses will cost Americans more than $ 175 million in direct health care costs annually.

"Contact lenses provide good vision without annoying glasses wearers, but they can also support more susceptible to infections if they are not careful," said in a press release to be processed. "Users should follow good hygiene and care steps every time they wear, clean and help their contacts, store, keep your eyes healthy."

To avoid eye infections, the CDC recommends contact lens as follows:

1. Wash your hands with soap and water and dry before you contact lenses;
2. Make contacts before bed, showering or swimming;
3. Rub and rinse contacts in a disinfectant solution each time they remove them;
4. Rub and rinse the container with a solution for contact lenses, with a dry, clean and store the head with the cap after each use;
5. If replacement contact lenses at least once every three months;
6. Do not "complete" solution in the lens container; and
7. a backup glasses need help, contact lenses are removed.

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CDC: Contact lenses to blame for a million eye infections each year
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